Hunter Nichols Is Going To Be A Stud OT For The 2022 North Branch Broncos Football Team…….


Hunter Nichols is going to be a stud OT for the 2022 North Branch Broncos Football Team for Head Coach Jeremy Ferman & Offensive Line Coach Scott “Bubba” Goins. Had a young squad a year ago that went 7-3 overall record in 2021. Played a lot at the OT position as a Junior. Learn a lot of things a year ago & now translate that one to 2022. Jeremy Ferman & Scott “Bubba” Goins has been a fan of him since Day 1 arrived. Be part of a Special Offensive Line with Dylan Schmidt & other ones in the Class of 2023. They are a year older now. Be one of the 20 starters comeback in the 2021 lineup. Lots of good experience they bought in now. They want another BWAC Conference Football Title in 2022. 2020 was a Special Bunch when Hunter Nichols was a Sophomore. Won the 2020 BWAC Conference & Division 4 District Title. I was there they won there 1st ever Division 4 District Title in School History on November 13th, 2020 at Krepps Field in North Branch HS. Hunter remembers that one too. Went 9-1 overall record in the 2020-21 campaign. Hunter Nichols & company want to follow the Class of 2021 at North Branch this coming year. They want revenge against the Armada Tigers & Cros-Lex Pioneers they both of them a year ago. They want to beat both of those opponents in 2022. Wanna win the BWAC Conference & Division 4 District Crown & Regional Champs & Play in the Division 4 Semifinals. That is the team goal heading into the 2022 campaign. Hunter helping the younger players in the program & also on the roster. Bring in that Senior Leadership now. Look out for OT Hunter Nichols this coming year in North Branch. Good Veterans & Youth on Varsity. So many good Seniors on the roster. Really to take it to another level starting now. Take it one game, one day, & everything in the 1’s category at a time. Learn on things you can improve on each & every week. Score lots of points on the scoreboard in 2022. Hunter Nichols is one of the best ones around indeed……. Senior Leadership Is Important In HS Sports…….. Getting the privilege to play for the best Head Coach in the BWAC Conference & also in the Whole Thumb Area…….



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