Jay Green Is Going To Have A Special 2023-24 Kingston Cardinals Girls Basketball Team…….

Kingston Cardinals Girls Basketball Team is going to be a special one in the 2023-24 campaign. Don’t Graduate no one on the roster. Best players coming back from the 2022-23 campaign. Went 25-2 overall record this season. I was impressed with that unit in 4 games I went to cover out there. Head Coach Jay Green does a really good job with that program on a year in & year out basis. Good core of the 2019 Class at Kingston HS. This bunch is almost as good as there 2019 core. Walker Sisters & Deleaney St. George & other ones that can help out right away. Win the League, Districts, & Regionals. Came so closed in the comeback against the Fowler Eagles at Mt. Morris HS in the Division 4 Quarterfinals Last Tuesday Night. Lose by 4 points to the 2-Time Division 4 State Champions Fowler Eagles. Comeback fell short. There get another chance at this one next season. Can’t get out see the Kingston Cardinals Girls Basketball Team next season. Class of 2024 is a good group of ladies. Good mindset & ideas they do very well. Jay is the right one available for this position…… Smart overall person to have there in charge of the program. Knows what he is talking about. Good ideas of things he brings to the table. Very Good Head Coach……. Get out & watch them play. Your going to like it……..



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