Matt Ganley Is Doing Very Well For Himself These Days Of Ages We Live In Now.

Matt Ganley is a good Golfer. Standout HS Golfer for the CPS Tigers in 1999-02 for Head Coach Dennis Seifferlein. Played College Golf at Concordia University in Ann Arbor. Came back home after College. 2003 CPS HS Graduated. Also loves to play Hockey. His Brother Paul was the 2nd best Golfer in CPS Tigers School History right behind the best one Scott Seifferlein which is Dennis’s Son. Paul played on the 2 best ones in School History in 2003 & 2004. On the Division 3 Regional Championship Team in 2003 with Brandon Kress, Greg Johnson, Kevin Callahan, & Kevin Bopra. Qualified for the Division 4 State Finals in his Senior Season in 2005 for the CPS Tigers. Paul owns his lawn care business right now. Jim Ganley owns a Party Store in Carsonville right now. Work for his Dad for a long time. Also Bowls at Liberty Lanes in Sandusky on Early Thursday Night League. Staying active these days of ages we live in now. Very nice guy. Enjoy talking to him about everything. Good family. Hard working bunch. Dedicated at doing things right at all times. Michigan Wolverines Sports Fan…….. Keep doing your thing at all times.


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