Shohei Ohanti Won American League Player Of The Week Award.

Shohei Ohanti was brilliant in the Detroit Tigers series at home last weekend. Guide the Los Angeles Angels Baseball Team to take 3 of 4 in that weekend series last week in L.A. Hit a 2-run homer I saw on Saturday Night off of Wily Peralta to the opposite field in left field. Bats Left-Handed anyways. Having a good 2021 campaign for Manager Joe Maddon. Good Pitcher also too. Good Baseball Player & Athlete. Plays the Field while he is not Pitching on the team anyways. Good Baseball minset. Brings that versatility to this Ball Club in 2021. Reminds me of Babe Ruth, Rick Ankiel & company. Play certain positions on this team now for the 2021 Los Angeles Angels Baseball Team in the American League. From Japan. They also like there Baseball down there too. Congratulations on this honor last week.

Go 2021 Los Angeles Angels Baseball Team Shohei Ohanti………. Well Deserved Honor Indeed……….

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