Kate Clancy Will Have A Good Season For The Bad Axe Hatchets Sports Teams In The 2021-22 Season.

Look out for Kate Clancy for the 2021-22 Bad Axe Hatchets Volleyball, Basketball, & Soccer Team this coming year. Pure All-Around Athlete. Hard working individual on & off the playing field. Good student of the game in sports & also in the classroom. Dedicated at everything she does out there. Supports this community very well. Good mindsets of things she wants done right at all-times for everyone else. Very good leader you want to have out there anyways in any sport you do listen to your Senior Leaders & Coaches. Good mind of things she does for everyone. Getting excited to cover her Volleyball Games in the 2021 campaign. Going to make it count & go for it all. Push herself & everyone to there expectations needs to be at all-times. Stay focus on things & pay attention to what the coaches & captains say as well too. Drive for it all. Go at it 110% at practices & games. His Brother Jack was a standout Football & Basketball Player for the Bad Axe Hatchets in the Class of 2020. Getting so closed for this to come for me soon. Look out for her this coming season for the Bad Axe Hatchets…… Leave it all on the line for her final year is coming to Kate Clancy already now…….. Look out for the Vassar Vulcans Volleyball Team this coming season. They will surprise you too. GTCW Division is loaded from Top 2 Bottom. Gotta come ready for action & can’t take nobody lightly at all in GTCW Division Action in Volleyball in 2021 campaign………

Go Bad Axe Hatchets & The Class Of 2022 Kate Clancy………..

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