Paul Mainieri Is Going To Retire As Head Coach For The LSU Tigers Baseball & Program After The 2021 Campaign Ends.

Paul Mainieri had a remarkable career as a College Baseball Head Coach in his time being. Took over for the Legendary Head Coach Skip Bergman for the LSU Tigers in Baton Rouge. Had a lot of good talent there anyways at LSU. Took them to the MLB Draft in the past years. Succeed in the MLB as well too. Paul will back memories in the future years coming up in 2021-present. Had a good Baseball mind. SEC Conference was loaded indeed from Top 2 Bottom in Baseball. No slouches in that SEC Conference. Players love playing for Paul during that time period in Baton Rouge. Going to miss him Coaching Baseball for good. Good times he will bring up for everyone else too.

Go LSU Tigers Baseball Team & Program Head Coach Paul Mainieri & Enjoy Your Retirement In 2021-Present. Remarkable Ride Indeed.

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