Trenton Mitchell Is A Good Athlete For The CPS Tigers In The Class Of 2022.

Trenton Mitchell is a good Athlete for the CPS Tigers in the Class of 2022. Saw him play on September 18th at Travis Field in CPS HS. Took on the Mt. Pleasant Scared Heart Academy Irish. Lose at home too. Trenton has good abilities to help out the young players to succeed in the future years ahead of them too for the CPS Tigers Football Team. Head Coach Eric Hartsell is glad to have Trenton Mitchell on the roster now. Part of the 5 Seniors on the roster in 2021. Leads the team in Rushing Yards at the QB position. Saw what RB Mason Gorman did in that Mt. Pleasant Sacred Heart Academy Irish that day too. He is also a Senior as well too. They lost the game. Trenton is also a good Baseball Player & saw him play twice against the Peck Pirates & lost both times I went too this past spring. Class Act Individual & Wins With Dignity & Class. Bright individual guy on & off playing fields. Good mindset of one thing he needs to do at a time each & everyday. Dedicated all-around guy year round. Eric Hartsell loves to have him on the roster anyways. Teach them good qualities they can bring to the table in the long road ahead of them now. Athletic Skills As Well Too. True Winner No Matter What. Good ideas to get the job done no matter what they want him to do for the team to succeed in the future years ahead of them now. Keep on going for it more to come yet for the CPS Tigers in the 2021-22 season.

Go CPS Tigers Class Of 2022 Trenton Mitchell………

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