Adelyn Moore Did Amazing Things For The Caro Tigers Girls Basketball Team In The 2019-20 Season.

Adelyn Moore shown me good impression as Freshman on Varsity for the Caro Tigers Girls Basketball Team all season long for 4th Year Head Coach Jay Riley in the 2019-20 campaign. Her Basketball IQ was unbelievable as well too. Good court awareness. Knows what she is doing at all times. Covered her game on my 41st Birthday at Caro HS against the Reese Rockets & guide them to a victory at home. Saw her do another one on the road against the Reese Rockets guide them to a outright GTCW Division Title in the 2019-20 campaign. Adelyn went to Cramer Basketball in the off-season. Did very well on her Basketball lessons. Good student of the game. Loves to compete with the best of them at all times. Good vision & hand eye coordination as well too. Doesn’t play like a Freshman at all on Varsity. Plays like a Veteran instead. Won TSA Player Of The Year Award As A Freshman. 1st Freshman To Win This Honor. Tony Burton Said That One She Is A Strong Girl. He is right about that one too. Went 18-3 overall record & go unbeaten in GTCW Division Play as well too. Enjoyed watching her play & cover her 3 games as well too.

Jay Riley likes about Adelyn Moore does on the Basketball Court & off the court as well too. Good mind of getting this team to play to there expectations at all times. Good student in the classroom & also on the Basketball Team. I saw a lot of good Freshman in the past years on Varsity as well too. Adelyn is one of the best ones I ever saw out there for a long time. She does amazing things for the Caro Tigers Girls Basketball Program & Team. Saw her made a fantastic pass to open teammate in the Reese Game on the road at Reese HS in a 55-23 route. Jay is a big fan of Adelyn Moore anyways. Born to play Basketball. Skills she is got are unbelievable from top 2 bottom. Her mind is so unbelievable as well too. Thumb Sportswriters & Experts are impressed with Adelyn Moore does for herself & the team. She is a bright girl & does it dignity & class. Her dedication is got her where she is at now. Good Overall Basketball Player Period. Jay is blessed to have her on the team as a Freshman. Won TSA Team Of The Year Award In The 2019-20 Campaign.

Go Caro Tigers Girls Basketball Team Freshman Adelyn Moore & Head Coach Jay Riley…. You Everyone Proud & Me Proud As Well Too….

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