Daryn Letson Will Have A Good 2021 Marine City Mariners Football Team.

Daryn Letson has a lot of returning players off the 2020-21 squad a year ago for the Marine City Mariners Football Team. They went 8-2 overall record. Won the League & District Title in Division 5. Lose to the Frankenmuth Eagles in the Division 5 Regional Championship Game at Frankenmuth HS 31-7 on January 9th. They learn a lot of things a year ago. They gotta take it to the next step ahead of them coming up in the 2021 Marine City Mariners Football Team. Expectations are there for them to take it to another level of play in 2021. Daryn took over for Ron Glodich in the off-season a year ago. He retired as Head Coach for the Marine City Mariners Football Team & Program. Played for the Great Bob Staskiewicz in his playing days for the Marine City Mariners Football Team & Program. Knows the Marine City Football Tradition already now. Following that suit now with Bob Staskiewicz, Tony Scarcelli, & Ron Glodich. Keep the Tradition going for more years to come yet in Marine City. They are a Football Town. They love there Football there in Marine City. Won 2 State Championship Titles there in 2007 & 2013. Brendan Kay played on the 1st State Championship Title in 2007 as a QB for the Marine City Mariners Football Team. On the Coaching Staff now as a QB’s Coach. 2008 Marine City HS Graduated…… Lots of potential there in 2021. Daryn Letson is becoming a good Head Coach now in Marine City. Look out for them in 2021 campaign. Make a playoff run in the Division 5 Football Playoffs for the Marine City Mariners Football Team this coming fall. Going to be a good team to watch for sure. Daryn will his troops ready to go for this team he is got now in Marine City.

Go Marine City Mariners Football Team Head Coach Daryn Letson…………

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