Katelyn Copeland Good Athlete & Person For The Bad Axe Hatchets In The Class Of 2025…….

Katelyn Copeland is a bright individual lady on & off the playing field. Very good leader in all 3 sports she does out there. Volleyball, Basketball, & Softball. Favorite one she likes the best is Volleyball. Very good personality & have good common sense things. Well liked by everyone else in the Bad Axe Community. Even in the Class of 2025. Homecoming Queen this past fall. Smart individual lady. Those 4 Head Coaches have respect for Katelyn Copeland. Christine Kaczuk, Kurt Dennis, Claire Berency, & Greg Newland. I enjoy covering her sporting events wherever I see her at one. Very good ideas to other things. She did like Mr. Kurt Dennis as HS Principal at Bad Axe for 2 years. Now, the Superintendent at Sandusky Community Schools. Kurt is a really good guy overall.

She is a Michigan State Spartans Sports Fan in East Lansing. She is going to SVSU this coming fall. Study veterinarian in the future years ahead. Work with the Dogs, Cats, & small animals. Going to be her major. She will succeed in that department. Win with dignity & class on & off the playing field & at her job as well too. Loves science a lot. Good feel of ideas in her resume. Smart lady to be around with.

Doing good work on the Basketball court. Scored 15 points in a 37-33 win over the Millington Cardinals on Tuesday Night at Bad Axe HS….. Good comeback win at home. Send a good statement for everyone else too….. 3rd place in the Big Thumb Conference White Division right now…….

She will play Softball this coming fall for Head Coach Greg Newland. I remember her hitting a HR against the Sandusky Wolves a year ago in Sandusky. Lead-off for the Bad Axe Hatchets with a HR to start the game…… SS for Head Coach Greg Newland. Pitcher also too…. Want Leaders & Best…..

She will be Graduating in 17 more weeks at Bad Axe HS in the Class of 2025… Her next journey is coming up for sure…… Having the privilege to watching her play in her 4 years in HS…….


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